Are You Under or Over Fed?
When dieting is taken to an extreme or when excess, energy-dense, empty calories are consumed, these harmful eating decisions result in short and long term implications. Dietary extremes trigger constant stress signals and chemical imbalances within the body resulting in damage to each organ systems as the body becomes malnourished.
Obesity is a preventable global epidemic with numbers rapidly rising. The UK Government states "In England, most people are overweight or obese. This includes 61.3% of adults and 30% of children aged between 2 and 15". Complications associated with obesity costs the NHS £5 billion per annum. An obese child is placed at a higher risk of developing disabilities in adulthood and suffering from premature death. Obesity is linked to many pathologies with the more severe including but not limited to insulin resistance, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, gout, gynaecological abnormalities, pulmonary disease, gallbladder disease, fatty liver, pancreatitis, osteoarthritis and certain cancers.
Greater attention needs to be placed on the quality of nutrients consumed and decreasing high intake of calories disproportionate to energy demands, ingesting poor quality fats and oils, protein, dairy, plus refined carbohydrates and processed foods.
Our unique biochemistry means that we each need to understand what nutrients our individual bodies require to function efficiently. We also benefit from factoring in requirements to meet seasonal changes, geography, climate, life stage and physical demands, such as additional support during pregnancy, lactation, injury or athletic activity.
Let us help you to establish a healthy relationship with food, to discuss the best nutrients to support your make-up and lifestyle requirements, help you to find ways to fall within the ideal body mass index parameters, and return your lipid ratios and inflammatory markers to normal.