Wellness refers to abundant vitality - the state of feeling healthy, happy, energetic and motivated.
Health relates to the condition of the body and mind, and the degree to which it is free from pain and/or dis-ease.
Naturopathic medicine draws upon the healing power of nature using physical, mental, emotional and spiritual support tools that encourages the body's innate intelligence to restore homeostasis and its vital force.
Nutrition provides nourishment in the form of liquid, food, antioxidant and adaptogenic substances, absorbed and utilised within the body to optimise cellular growth and function. Nutritional therapy applies evidence based nutritional science in the promotion of optimal health.
Modern living influences dietary and lifestyle deficiencies and toxic residue excesses, placing the body into a state of imbalance. Treating superficial symptoms alone without working to identify and overcome the root cause will not address conditions, and can often lead to a greater state of dis-ease.
A naturopathic approach investigates what is happening to the individual, how that is showing up within the body’s systems, and why it's happening. We work with clients to improve their current health challenges, whilst identifying and addressing any associated root causes. We aim to do so in a way that is system supportive, non-invasive, educative and through natural measures. Each client and their symptoms are viewed as unique, within a 360 degree whole-person perspective.
To help achieve the best course of action for the individual, a detailed case history covering all aspects of their 'life story', prenatally to present tense, is assessed before a personalised health and wellbeing programme is provided.
Prioritising wellbeing is the ideal strategy for those wishing to reduce disease risks, and is a valuable investment if aiming to live life to its fullest potential. And here's how we can achieve wellbeing: -
Physiologically: supporting the physiological processes of the body and brain to function efficiently.
Emotionally: feeling and thinking positively though establishing healthier and outlooks towards one's home, work, social and personal life.
Spiritually: being at peace and remaining in a state of calm, satisfied with one's life.