Health and wellbeing represent an accurate reflection of a person’s internal and external environments. The interconnectedness of an individual’s spiritual harmony, emotional status, mindset and physical structure, combined with the influences of what they consume, absorb, inhale, ingest, and how they synthesise, utilise and regulate ultimately determines how they function and who they are. The body’s innate intelligence is geared towards maintaining balance, order, healing and regeneration at all times; it’s programmed to operate efficiently in achieving homeostasis. However, it cannot achieve this without nourishment and nurturing all facets of self.
Complicating matters is how human biology has not adequately evolved to counter the impact of modern life’s many demands. Stress is caused by a multitude of emotional, mental and physical factors; cheap nutritionally-devoid processed, packaged and junk ‘foods’, high refined sugar, high sodium intake, poor denatured fats, 10+ million tonnes of environmental toxins released per annum, sedentary lifestyles / office jobs, lack of consistent daily movement, man-made electro-smog, health stealing blue and LED lighting, ubiquitous hormone disrupting plastics, sleep deficit, unhealthy relationships, and so on. Over time people accept their ‘health’ issues, adapting to the ache, pain, lump, rash, lack of energy and motivation, brain fog, poor attention and recall, depression, movement restriction, spasm, infertility, menopausal symptoms etc believing them to be normal. People tend to wait until symptoms become chronic and obstructive in nature, all the while creating further damage, due to delayed action taken, before they adequately address the mounting challenges before them.
Ideally, the solution to improve long-term outcomes is to address symptoms as they arise, to identify any associated root causes, and to understand the pattern of triggers and drivers of recurring symptoms in order to minimise recurrence. This process requires teamwork: clinical guidance and empowerment from the consultant, coupled with conscious awareness, commitment and willpower on the client’s part, for they may need to leave their comfort zone and will need to integrate the bulk of the work themselves. Periods of adjustment require setting new habits in motion. It’s entirely the client’s choice with what changes they are prepared to engage and manage.
Lisa's approach is strongly based on the tenets of naturopathic principles: first do no harm; to see the person as whole and unique; to view their physiology as a whole unit of interconnectedness each relying upon the other to function within their organic realms of intelligent operation, and as such no symptom is viewed as isolated; to employ natural medicines and modalities; and, integrate preventative health strategies for improving quality of life.
Lisa facilitates personalised programmes that take a client’s biochemical needs, personal health goals and lifestyle into account, incorporating practical tools at a pace suitable to the client’s requirements.
Functional tailored protocols will draw upon the strengths of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, evidence based nutritional medicine, Asian, South American and Western herbs and adaptogens, traditional and complex homeopathy, iridology, kinesiology, flower essences, tissue salts and detoxification therapies when optimising dietary and lifestyle options. Health programmes are designed to be synergistic in nature, supporting body, mind and spirit to restore harmony. Traditional therapies, complementary disciplines, bodywork and drug-free nutraceuticals work to support the body’s healing mechanisms, rather than limiting them. Prevention and preservation strategies, along with slowing down the progression of chronic conditions form the foundations of Lisa’s recommendations. Appropriate clinical referrals and/or lab work may be recommended for those wishing to achieve quicker results.
We can all enjoy health and wellbeing, whether it be increasing energy levels, maintaining an ideal weight balance, remaining calm in an increasingly challenging world, boosting cognitive and muscular performance, radiating a healthful glow, or improving vital forces and fertility. The investment clients make in themselves is paramount to their success and satisfaction.
Lisa studied at London's prestigious College of Naturopathic Medicine, a 5 year course, certified in Nutrition and also Naturopathy, and has been in clinical practice for over 15 years.
Professional memberships:
Association of Naturopathic Practitioners
First aid certified (workplace)
Fully insured
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