Want radiant skin and improved hair health?
If prone to hair that's wiry, dry, oily, thinning or prematurely greying, nails so weak they split or have ridges, or inflamed skin manifesting conditions like rashes, tags, acne, eczema, psoriasis or liver spots, then you can be sure that your internal organ systems are screaming out for attention.
Since the dawn of time people have been unconsciously judged by their by their appearance. For thousands of years, TCM and Ayurvedic practitioners have supported case taking by observing the quality of a person's skin, the thickness, texture and lustre of their hair, the condition of their tongue and the strength of their nails.
Having a clear, glowing complexion, thick, shiny hair and strong, smooth nails is achievable, when the right kind of proteins, fats, micronutrients and hydration levels are incorporated into the diet, when your hormones are balanced and when oxidative stress is kept to a minimum.
We can work to investigate the causes of poor integumentary health and how best we can restore vitality to these external areas.